пʼятниця, 16 вересня 2011 р.

Chocolate box / Чоколядна коробка

Опубліковано Julia о 07:56
English translation below

Прикупивши чоколядки подрузі на ДН, я вирішила їх запакувати в коробочку (тут кришка, а тут нижня частина). Пелюстки і середина зроблені з кальки, папір - little yellow bicycle і DCWV adhesive paper prints.

Having bought chocolates for my friend, I decided to make a box for them (here is box top and here is bottom). Petals and inner circle is made out of vellum, paper that I used - little yellow bicycle and DCWV adhesive paper prints.

4 коментарі:

Elenochka сказав...

Юльчик,просто СУПЕР!!!Очень красиво и стильно!!!Я думаю такая оригинальная упаковка очень понравится имениннице!!!

Mariana сказав...

Надзвичайно гарно!!!

Julia сказав...

Дівчатка, ДУЖЕ ДЯКУЮ!!!

Мар'яно, мене надихнули саме ваші коробочки, у вас вони шикарні!

Court сказав...

Hello again! :) Yes, we are considering moving there, but we've only spent a week there total so I think we need to go back again and see. How friendly are they to "outsiders" who don't know the language? Of course we will try to learn it. They were SO nice when we were there to visit, but I was wondering if they would be the same if we were trying to live there. Any thoughts would be great input!

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